“I laughed and cried with Allie & Michael throughout their journey     …I felt like I knew these people (and sometimes like I WAS these    people) and was absolutely invested in their happiness. I cringed             at their mistakes and cheered at their triumphs…AN ALL-AROUND GREAT READ!” - Sheryl


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 "Written with passion and raw emotion, The Reunion is a gripping story of love and the trials of marriage."

"Well-written and engrossing, I could not put down the book."

It is the fear of separation from everything she loves that brings Allison Bannister to the beach. She stops on the steps that lead down to the ocean. She is alone. The sun is setting behind her; the tide is rushing in, and dark water is licking at the bottom step. Off to the north, the lights of Charleston shine into the evening sky. To the south, a star twinkles as darkness descends on the barrier islands. Light and dark; good and evil. Reconciliation is not in the cards.
Allison shivers. How easy it would be to walk out into the ocean. Her winter clothes would take on water and weigh her down. When she went under, her body would turn cold, her lungs would fill with water, and all of her troubles would end.
It all started with an invitation to Michael’s high school reunion.
    Read an excerpt


Michael's Travel Diary Michael kept a diary while he traveled. Spoiler Alert! Do not begin the diary before reaching Chapter  7 in The Reunion.

Read excerpts from the diary

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